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Sometimes we hit a wall. I get it; I want to wake up and be the empowered bad a** that lifts everyone and shares a healing message with the world. I scroll through social media, see all these posts about self-love and empowering myself, and think, “Am I doing it right? Do I love myself correctly?” The truth is, loving yourself is not something you have to prove to anybody, and there is certainly not a formula for doing it right. Simply being where you are is enough.

I create art to heal, to investigate the multiple aspects of life, and how to navigate life in transformative ways. I believe we all have gifts, hearts, love, passion, and answers within - an internal guiding system. Every time I create, I am connecting to my answers within. And by finishing these creations and sharing them with you, I am connecting to something bigger than myself. No, I’m not talking about something spiritual or woo-woo in nature - I’m talking about purpose and connection.

Whenever I finish a creation and share it with you, I am a stepping into a purpose bigger than myself. I am connecting to an audience, to you and your purpose. Every time you look at my art pieces, my hope is that you feel something beyond words. Because I believe that it is through creativity (art, music, movies, etc.) that we feel a connection, we feel understood, and feel a little less alone in the world, and it is through this connection that together, we heal.