
Mental Health Advocate.

Our Mission

Trauma can run deep. It can impact every area of our life without our awareness. Creative Medicine aims to shine a light on those traumas, allowing creativity to facilitate the healing process. Whether through art, guided meditations, videos, blogs, or a healing art workshop, Creative Medicine is dedicated to a creative yet scientifically proven approach to healing. Incorporating Neuroscience, Psychology, and Eastern Philosophy to all creative approaches.

Meet Brooke Searle, an artist and healer with formal education in Neuroscience and current work experience in the mental health field. Brooke is a strong advocate for removing stigmas regarding mental illness and other cognitive biases that keep minorities appressed. Brooke believes in the power of art and creativity to connect human beings and facilitate the transformation process.

Brooke creates art to heal, investigate the multiple aspects of life, and navigate life in transformative ways. Brooke believes we all have gifts, hearts, love, passion, and answers within - an internal guiding system. Every time they create, they are connecting to their answers within. And by finishing these creations and sharing them with you, they are connecting to something bigger than themselves. No, they are not talking about something spiritual or woo-woo in nature - they are talking about purpose and connection.

Whenever they finish and share a creation with you, they are stepping into a purpose bigger than themselves. By connecting to an audience, to you and your purpose. Every time you experience Brooke's creations or attend one of Brooke's live workshops, their hope is that you feel something beyond words. Because they believe that it is through creativity (art, music, movies, etc.) that we feel a connection, we feel understood and feel a little less alone in the world, and it is through this connection that together, we heal.

What We’ve Achieved

  • Brooke Searle is a stong mental health advocate - Speaking in front of hundreds of people at the Salt Lake City, UT capital in 2019.

  • Neuroscience Minor

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  • Morbi eu elit in justo auctor dignissim. Sed ultrices eget neque tellus.

  • Sed fermentum eget velit at eleifend. Donec volutpat est a felis pulvinar.